The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science aims at providing instruction in mathematics and computer sciences at both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, and to carryout scientific research adapted to the changing needs of the society. The undergraduate programme is designed so as to provide tools for mathematical techniques, analytical and creative thinking in such a way as to enable the graduates find gainful employment in areas where knowledge in mathematics or computer science is required and to have the adequate background necessary for the pursuit of studies and research in mathematics, computational sciences and related disciplines at the postgraduate level. The postgraduate programme in mathematics is designed in such a way that graduates, depending on their specific specialties and abilities, can seek employment in Institutions of Higher Learning, Industries, Banking and Insurance Sector or in the Social Sector. Furthermore, graduates will be endowed with sufficient skills to be self-employed as consultants or soft-ware developers. The Department, through its programmes, also seeks to satisfy the evolving needs of the mathematicians, computational scientists and users of mathematics. *Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Studies In addition to University and Faculty requirements, students who wish to enrol for a BSc in Mathematics should have obtained at least a D grade in Mathematics at the GCE A’ Level (or equivalent) or a special recommendation of the Department. It is the student's responsibility to choose courses in accordance with Departmental and Faculty regulations. All students intending to pursue a degree programme in Mathematics should consult the Department which provides advice on such important matters as available specialised programmes, course sequences, possible combinations of Major and Minor fields, and recommended undergraduate studies leading to graduate studies. The specialised programme in Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) is for those students who want a deep knowledge of Mathematics and who hope to pursue Mathematical research as a career. The specialised programme in Applied Mathematics or Mathematics and Statistics is for those students who are interested in the fundamental knowledge of Mathematics with application to real world problems. The specialised programme in Mathematics as a major with a minor in another field is meant for those students who have a strong interest in Mathematics but with career goals in the minor area. Additionally, students have the possibility to take a combined major in Mathematics and Computer Science (B.Sc. Combined (honours) in Mathematics and Computer Science). This specialised programme takes four years.